Earth Care, People Care, Future Care.
Why this free yearlong permaculture course? Well, think about it. Most permaculture courses focus on landscape design, but don’t do much to help you gain access to land or navigate the complex social circumstances that surround any attempt at sustainable or regenerative living.
All of our permaculture design courses, no matter how big or small, make sure you get the balanced permaculture training you need to face not just challenges in the garden, but also larger issues in your interconnected community. This one includes several classes all about building sustainable relationships.
Do you have any questions?
Wondering what exactly is included in this free yearlong permaculture course, who’s teaching it, and if it is indeed actually FREE?
“I’ve been an organic gardener for over forty years, been enriched by making low impact choices on how I live and have always drawn upon nature for my daily strengths but I followed my nose. This course has changed my perception and changed how I approach each new challenge. I love the emphasis on observation and design. It brings clarity and coherence to my musings and plans and has enabled me to understand the deep connections that underpin it all. A heartfelt thank you for your hard work in creating this accessible and inspiring course.” –Maggie, a happy student.
Why Choose this Course?
This Free Yearlong Permaculture Course will help you grow your own food and design a home system that can thrive with nature even if you don’t own your land or have a lot of money.
The recommended pace is one class per week, but you get access to everything as soon as you enroll:
- Learn how to recognize patterns in nature.
- Improve your access to land and resources.
- Practice reading the land and meeting needs with resources.
- Design a perennial food forest.
- Create abundant home systems.
- Cultivate resilient communities.

Design your permaculture paradise, wherever you are.
Learn the art of ecological design by practicing in your own home, garden, and neighborhood.

Not ready to commit to a whole year of classes? Check out this course instead.