Permaculture Activism and Community OrganizingWhat are Permaculture Activism and Community Organizing, and how can you become an activist?Read MorePermaculture Activism and Community Organizing
Permavangelism: How NOT to spread the word about permacultureHow to share the good news about permaculture, without preaching to the choir or scaring people off.Read MorePermavangelism: How NOT to spread the word about permaculture
What is Placemaking?Here are a bunch of examples and strategies for reclaiming the commons and creating spaces that build community.Read MoreWhat is Placemaking?
Ecofeminism: what is it and what does it have to do with permaculture?What is ecofeminism and how is related to permaculture? Read MoreEcofeminism: what is it and what does it have to do with permaculture?